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Be Consistent!
by Gary Ryan Blair

Consistency - the absence of contradictions - is one of the hallmarks of success. While variety may be the spice of life, consistency is one of the keys to the successful achievement of ANY goal.  

Let's have a look at Merriam-Webster's definition of "consistency":

con�sis�ten�cy - agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole: correspondence; specifically: ability to be asserted together without contradiction.

The agreement and harmony of your goal setting activities can indeed create synergy making "the whole greater than the sum of its parts."

Consistency will not only save you time by helping you simplify and focus your efforts but, more importantly, it will help you set and routinely meet the expectations you have of yourself. And that equates to a positive impact on your bottom line results.

Whether we want to admit it or not, as creatures of habit, we all like, expect and appreciate consistency. When we learn or experience something new, we expect to be able to apply that knowledge on a consistent basis. 

Ask any American to name the three colors used on a traffic light and they will without a doubt say; red, yellow and green. Ask any American to name the color of a UPS truck and they will in unison say; brown. How about the color of a Tiffany's box? Robin's egg blue! 

The next time you read a newspaper or magazine, take a good look at the fonts, color schemes, and margins. Then, look through and examine each section. What makes each section different but also the same? Where are the cross word puzzles? Where are the feature stories? How do you know that the weather is on the back page or that the lottery numbers are on page 2? How do you know that the letters to the editor are in the front of your favorite magazine or that editorials are in the back of your favorite newspaper? 

One word - Consistency 

It follows that good engineers, designers, and architects believe in the importance of consistency. The streets in American cities are good examples of both consistency and conservation of knowledge. Anywhere in America, yield and stop signs look exactly the same. Traffic lights use red, yellow, and green to mean precisely the same things regardless of the street, city or zip code you may be in, thus making them clearly identifiable anywhere. 

It becomes difficult for people and society when their knowledge of things breaks down, hence the introduction of inconsistency. An American, visiting a country with different street signs other than their own will inevitability make mistakes until they learn the new signs, which in fact are consistent to the people of that country. 

Even subtle variances and inconsistencies like the difference between kilometers and miles per hour can and will cause American drivers to make mistakes.

Here's a few examples of how a consistent approach can maximize your performance and accelerate the rate with which you achieve any goal.

� Consistently show up on time;

� Consistently tell the truth and do the right thing;

� Consistently honor your commitments;

� Consistently go the extra mile for your customers;

� Consistently take action and avoid excuses and procrastination;

� Consistently deliver excellent work;

� Consistently work out and eat the right foods;

� Consistently meet or exceed quota;

� Consistently pursue your passion and purpose;

� Consistently invest your money wisely;

� Consistently honor God;

� Consistently make everything you say, think and do count.

Consistency is wonderful when used appropriately because it improves the experience for both yourself and the beneficiaries of your efforts.

When Is Consistency Bad?

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds..." 
�Ralph Waldo Emerson

But is consistency all there is to the successful achievement of ANY goal? We may be perfectly consistent with respect to our behaviors, moral principles and values, yet our behaviors are unhealthy, our principles may be incorrect and our values misplaced.  

We may even be consistent in treating others as we treat ourselves, but this kind of consistency would hardly be the mark of a good life if we happen to treat ourselves poorly.  

We might say that while consistency is surely not sufficient for success, it is absolutely necessary for success!

Success requires that there be consistency among our behaviors and in how we apply these behaviors. Success in any endeavor also requires a consistency between our standards and our actions, as well as among our inner desires. Finally, success requires that there be consistency between how we treat ourselves and how we treat others. 

In some cases, consistency can become a self-perpetuating monster: It has to be used for a purpose. A foolish consistency is one that serves no benefit for the end user or their beneficiaries such as:

� Consistently being late for meetings;

� Consistently lying and cheating;

� Consistently disregarding commitments;

� Consistently procrastinating;

� Consistently avoiding responsibility by making excuses;

� Etc... 

Why Is Consistency Good? 

Consistency is great because people like predictable things. Family, friends, co-workers and customers feel comfortable when they can rely on you to do exactly what they think you will do and have done in the past. 

This appears to be almost like a law of human nature. We have a strong preference for consistency in our lives. We want things to work the same way every time they happen. When we wake up in the morning we want to find the floor under our feet, the sun above our heads, and coffee in our cups. And just as we expect these kinds of physical consistency, we also expect psychological consistency. If we had marriages, families, and jobs yesterday, we expect to find them today in pretty much the same condition. 

Thus, we have "mental worlds" of our expectancies about the world, the people in them, and our relationships with the world and other people. And the glue that holds all these mental relationships together is consistency. Why should we expect our spouses to love us tomorrow? Because it is consistent. Consistency becomes like a form of human gravity. It holds everything down and together. It helps us to understand the world and our place in it. 

Be consistent. The overall personal and collective win of consistent behavior patterns far outweighs any possible value of inconsistency.

And now for my consistent close;

Everything Counts!

Gary Ryan Blair
[email protected]

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